The Way - Youth Ministry


Grades 6-12

Sunday Mornings 10am

THE WAY Youth Group is aimed to point our Middle School and High School Students towards Jesus, by showing them who Jesus is in love and character. We accomplish this goal by meeting every Sunday morning during our main worship service to study The Word verse by verse and creating questions around real world issues and tackling them how Jesus would, in Love. 

Our aim is to lay a foundation of Jesus in each student’s life while also being available for mentor ship, discipleship, counseling and friendship. It is our desire and prayer that the youth that attend The Way follow Jesus all the days of their lives. 


our youth into lovers of God Yahweh and His Son Jesus Christ the Messiah with all their hearts, all their minds, all their souls, and all their strength. And to love the people around them as themselves. (Mark 12:29-31)


our youth who they are in Christ (Romans 8:16-17) and what that means practically as they live out their lives at school, home, church, and out in the world.


our youth to be effective witnesses (Matt 28:19-20) and apologists (1Peter 3:16-16) in high school and college exemplifying Jesus’ love and grace for all people regardless of cultural differences, race, gender, orientation, or faith. (1Cor 13:1-3) 


 with parents, we seek to help our youth reason through their faith to fully understand why they believe what they believe.  We want them to have an intellectual understanding of their beliefs and not simply to hold to a cultural Christianity that is born out of family tradition.

If you have any questions or would like more information about upcoming events and camps please contact Pastor Josh